Monday, December 31, 2007

new yr goal

darling says:your new year resolutions?
alice chua says:this morning while i take bath.. suddenly.. i realise.. i nvr see the snow lei..
alice chua says:so this yr hav to go somewhere hav snow one to see snow..
alice chua says:korea maybe
alice chua says:so romantic..
darling says:good
alice chua says:yalor..
darling says:very specific goal
alice chua says:so at least i know.. 2008 i will go KK
alice chua says:taiwan
alice chua says:and korea..
alice chua says:i think this yr.. i am q happy can know a new friend like u
darling says:knowing me is not a goal leh..
darling says:XD
alice chua says:haha
alice chua says:yup.. but know more new friend is.
alice chua says:and hav read some good book
alice chua says:personal grow, family, career, friend, healthy, hobbies..
alice chua says:overall..
alice chua says:性格独立,经济独立,感情独立 always is my goal
darling says:yes..
darling says:believe in yourself
alice chua says:yalor

HappY New YeaR ya~ Let's us become a better woman than yesterday.. cheers


kitchi said...


freedom100cc said...



HapPy NeW Year toO daRling~ money home home..
MoRe MoRe LuCk LuCk this year~


有结婚不久或才几年就想离婚的朋友吗?当然有。 有个朋友说想离婚,他也不是第一个,哦~我们都到了看朋友离婚的年龄了。。 单身时,大家问,有没有男朋友? 拍拖时,大家问,几时结婚?(也有爱说狠话的朋友问几时分手?) 结婚时,大家问,几时生孩子?(等不到分手的...