Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year 2010!!!

YeAh!!! Happy 2010!!! wish all the good luck come to us!!! Million Thanks to all my Dearest Friends!!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Only Angel?

Only Angel. Only angel will cover their wound because of love.

Only Devil. Only devil will cover themselves because of evil.

they both are good actor/ actress.

we may a good actor/ actress too, but... which path you choose to?

wahahahaha... i still choose both, because..

mummy said, everything "TOO MUCH" is not good for health, we need balance life.

we need a little evil.. jz a little bit as what i can pay for.



有结婚不久或才几年就想离婚的朋友吗?当然有。 有个朋友说想离婚,他也不是第一个,哦~我们都到了看朋友离婚的年龄了。。 单身时,大家问,有没有男朋友? 拍拖时,大家问,几时结婚?(也有爱说狠话的朋友问几时分手?) 结婚时,大家问,几时生孩子?(等不到分手的...