Thursday, June 25, 2009

《 无声的呐喊》

前线追踪 Frontline ( 时事节目Current Affairs )

《 无声的呐喊》: 一名28岁女子,心里隐藏着一个不可告人的秘密。她小时候曾经被保姆虐待和性侵犯,过着地狱般的日子。她如今要把她的故事说出来,警戒全天下的父母要多加注意和关心孩子。童年的阴影挥之不去,她要如何走出创伤,面对未来?事过境迁,侵犯她的保姆又是否受到法律的制裁?《前线追踪》采访报道。


A Silent Cry: A 28-year-old woman was sexually abused and beaten by her nanny when she was a young girl. She had kept this horrifying secret to herself and had been suffering in silence since then. The episode traumatised her so much that she has decided to make public her story to alert parents to pay more attention to and show more concern for their children. How did she step out from her nightmarish childhood memories to face the future? After such a long time, can the abuser be arrested and punished? Frontline reports.

Producer: Ang Ka Swan

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有结婚不久或才几年就想离婚的朋友吗?当然有。 有个朋友说想离婚,他也不是第一个,哦~我们都到了看朋友离婚的年龄了。。 单身时,大家问,有没有男朋友? 拍拖时,大家问,几时结婚?(也有爱说狠话的朋友问几时分手?) 结婚时,大家问,几时生孩子?(等不到分手的...