Thursday, January 6, 2011

Joke from a nurse

Joke 1:
One young man called the hospital, shouting, "You gotta help! My wife is going into labor!"
The nurse said, "Stay calm. Is this her first child?"
"No," he cried urgently. "This is her husband!"

Joke 2:
One man boasted, "I have a new hearing aid."
"What kind is it?"
"One o'clock!"


有结婚不久或才几年就想离婚的朋友吗?当然有。 有个朋友说想离婚,他也不是第一个,哦~我们都到了看朋友离婚的年龄了。。 单身时,大家问,有没有男朋友? 拍拖时,大家问,几时结婚?(也有爱说狠话的朋友问几时分手?) 结婚时,大家问,几时生孩子?(等不到分手的...